Lambina – Although first discovered in the late 1920’s going into the depression years, very little work was done here until the late 1980’s when some good finds were made at the Seven Waterholes diggings.
Good strikes of high quality stones in 1996 caused a rush to the field which is 100 km northeast of Mintabie on the eastern side of the Stuart Highway. Some 300 claims were pegged, however, before many of these could be processed, the Wik native title decision halted any new mining. In December 1997, miners were informed that a native title claim would be lodged over the greater Mintabie area encompassing Lambina. Since then negotiations between miners and native title holders have enabled mining to continue.
Lambina produced most of the South Australian White Opal product in the last decade of the millennium, the population has fluctuated from 200 down to around 10 today.